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Cloned Przewalski’s horse

Cloned Przewalski’s horse

A World First!! The Moment The World's First Cloned Przewalski's Horse Was Born! August 6th 2020 At Gemini Genetics, we are proud to be a partner company to ViaGen Pets. This is the moment that the world's first cloned Przewalski's horse was born, with a domestic Quarter Horse as his…

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Resurrecting biodiversity

Resurrecting Biodiversity: Advanced Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Biobanking

We are excited to announce an Official Publication - Resurrecting biodiversity: advanced assisted reproductive technologies and biobanking: Reproduction & Fertility Journal. An official publication on the application of skin cell preservation and assisted reproductive technologies for the conservation and restoration of the world's rare and endangered species! Produced by our…

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Equine Cloning in Action

Equine Cloning in Action

Equine Cloning in Action. Congratulations to our partner company ViaGen Pets on another beautiful equine clone! Learn more about how you can clone your once in a lifetime horse or pony here -  

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Cloning A Horse

Does Cloning A Horse For Performance Work?

Does Cloning For Performance Work? By recreating the complete genetic set of a proven performance horse, you are providing the cloned horse with the genetic building blocks to achieve the same proven success as the original! There are now a number of cloned horses to demonstrate this concept and more…

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Cell Culture at Gemini Genetics

Cell Culture at Gemini Genetics

Cell Culture at Gemini Genetics - The First Sign of New Life! At Gemini Genetics, we not only preserve animal DNA, but we also culture genetic samples upon request, ready for cloning! Cell culture is the stage where we ask the preserved skin samples and the DNA within each cell…

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How Do You Clone an Animal

How Do You Clone an Animal?

How Do You Clone an Animal? The process of cloning is actually very straightforward! 1. A skin sample is taken from the animal you wish to clone and the DNA is multiplied up in the lab. 2. An egg cell is taken from a donor animal of the same species…

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What is Cloning

What is Cloning?

What is Cloning? Cloning is the production of a genetically identical twin to the donor animal. The clone and the original animal share exactly the same DNA, meaning they are genetically identical twins, just born on different days! Pet & Equine cloning is now available in the UK via Gemini…

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About Us

About Us! Company Founder & Director – Dr Tullis Matson

Founder and director of our sister company, Stallion AI Services, Tullis Matson is a leading figure in the world of equine assisted reproduction. In addition to Gemini Genetics, he is also director of Elite Kennel Fertility and the founder and chair of charity Nature’s SAFE, which uses genetic preservation to…

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Clone Cat

Can I Clone My Cat, UK?

Can i clone my cat, UK? Yes, you can! At Gemini Genetics, a UK based pet genetic company, we preserve cat, dog and equine genetics, with a partnership with ViaGen Pets & Equine, that enables pet owners to proceed to cloning if they wish to do so. If your cat…

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Equine Performance Cloning

Equine Performance Cloning!

Equine Performance Cloning In Action. Congratulations to ViaGen Pets and their clients on the successful cloning of Grand Prix horse Sagacious HF. We look forward to the coming years of this special equine clone. Did you know that Gemini Genetics, a UK based company, works in partnership with ViaGen Pets?…

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