Who Are ViaGen Pets & Equine? ViaGen Pets & Equine are our world leading pet…
How Do I Clone My Pet?
How Does Pet Cloning Work?
Our US partner ViaGen Pets have shared a wonderful client video showing how the process of sample taking for pet cloning works! This is the first crucial step in the cloning process, allowing the opportunity to preserve your beloved pets DNA!
And don’t worry if getting these samples to the US is a little tricky, at Gemini Genetics we offer the initial genetic preservation, cell culture, and even shipment of the preserved samples to ViaGen Pets.
Watch Jacks story – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB4vTovP5KQ
For more information about genetic preservation and cloning visit the Gemini Genetics website – https://www.geminigenetics.com
Visit our US partners ViaGen Pets for more on pet cloning – https://www.viagenpets.com