Who Are ViaGen Pets & Equine? ViaGen Pets & Equine are our world leading pet…
How Much Does It Cost To Clone My Dog? Dog cloning cost!
How Much Does It Cost To Clone My Dog? Dog cloning cost!
Dog cloning with our partner company ViaGen Pets & Equine costs $50,000 USD paid in 2 instalments. However, the initial genetic preservation, which is the first stage in dog cloning, costs just £500 (+VAT if you are UK based). Genetic preservation is available at Gemini Genetics for just £500! UK based and with a state-of-the-art laboratory and world leading techniques. You can now clone your dog for less than you think!
How do i clone my pet dog?
To clone, we need a skin tissue sample. This can be taken after the passing of your pet or before depending on your location and the clinical history of your dog. We need a skin sample as skin cells like to regenerate and multiply, which is really important when needing to create new life from a non-reproductive cell type.
Contact us today for more information on cloning your dog!- Tel 01948 668 057. Email: info@geminigenetics.com
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