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How Does Horse Cloning Work?

How does horse cloning workHow Does Horse Cloning Work?

Pet cloning is easier than you think, in just 5 simple steps an animal with the exact same DNA as your original horse can be born. Making them full genetic twins, just born at different times!
The first and most vital step is completed safely here with us at Gemini Genetics. All that is needed is a small skin sample from your horse within a 5 day window, and their DNA can be preserved!
The secured DNA is then multiplied up via a cell culture, and the viable cells are shipped to our US partner – world leading pet cloning company, ViaGen Pets – for steps 2-4 to then take place.
The cloned horse can then be ready in as little as a year!
And for those with elite performance horses, you will be setting the clone up for the same success as the original! As they share the same genetic potential!
Learn more about animal genetic preservation and cloning at Gemini Genetics here –
Visit our US partners ViaGen Pets & Equine for more on pet cloning –
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