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Pet Loss. An Underappreciated Grief

pet loss griefPet Loss. An Underappreciated Grief?
At Gemini Genetics, we fully understand the impact of losing a much-loved animal companion. The grief felt can be comparable to the loss of a human family member and needs time, help, support and comfort to allow for progression through the necessary stages of grief, and for gradual adjustment to life without your special animal companion.
At Gemini Genetics, we would like to highlight the impact of pet loss. We believe it should be recognised on par with that of the loss of a human family member or friend. And time therefore allowed for grief to occur in equal measure to the time given upon human loss. With immediate and ongoing support available for those affected, to help in what is a very literal life changing event.
Look out for more posts coming soon on our work within the area of pet loss. A grief that we believe requires greater recognition for the impact upon our lives.
Gemini Genetics – UK Pet & Equine Genetic Preservation & Cloning. From £500 + VAT. Tel:01948 668 057 Email:
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