Who Are ViaGen Pets & Equine? ViaGen Pets & Equine are our world leading pet…
We cloned our dog! And we don’t regret it! She is amazing!
We cloned our dog! And we don’t regret it! She is amazing!
At Gemini Genetics, we have our own cloned dog, Gem! Our cloned dog Gem is a beautiful brown cocker spaniel. Our cloned dog Gem is fit and healthy, full of energy, always happy and loves saying hello to everyone that visits Gemini Genetics. Our cloned dog Gem belongs to and lives with Gemini Genetics director, Tullis Matson. Our cloned dog Gem is so very special to us and now has her own Instagram page so everyone else can get to know her too.
We cloned our dog and we don’t regret it! She is amazing and we look forward to the years ahead with our special cloned dog Gem!
dog cloning. dog cloning uk. uk dog cloning. can i clone my dog? dog cloning uk. can i clone my dog UK? my dog has died, can i clone him? my dog has died, can i clone her? can i clone my dog UK? dog cloning. How does dog cloning work? we cloned our dog and we dont regret it. our amazing cloned dog. Gem our cloned dog. Gemini Genetics. Gemini Genetics dog cloning. UK dog cloning Gemini Genetics. we cloned our dog and we dont regret it. our amazing cloned dog. Gem cloned dog.