Who Are ViaGen Pets & Equine? ViaGen Pets & Equine are our world leading pet…
Can I Clone My Cat?
Can I Clone My Cat?
Yes you can!
Your cat cloning journey can start with us here at Gemini Genetics! The UK’s first dedicated domestic animal genetic preservation company – partnered with world leading pet cloning company, ViaGen Pets.
We understand that pets are an amazing addition to any family, and with prices starting at just £500+VAT, we are here to make the cloning process accessible!
All we need is a small sample of skin tissue from your beloved animal, and the rest is simple! Your original pets DNA is safely preserved, multiplied up, and shipped to ViaGen Pets for the clone to be born!
Clone your pet with Gemini Genetics today!
Tel: 01948 668 057
Also available for dogs and horses
Learn more about animal genetic preservation and cloning at Gemini Genetics here – https://www.geminigenetics.com/
Visit our US partners ViaGen Pets & Equine for more on cloning – https://www.viagenpets.com